2015 - Volume #BFS, Issue #15, Page #92
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Fix Your Own Air Conditioning
If your air conditioner has lost its charge or if you’re looking for an alternative to the new, more expensive freon replacements, you might want to take a look at what’s available from TCB Technologies, a Canadian research company.
    Their Red Tek 12a Refrigerant is an approved replacement for the old R12 and R12 substitutes and an economical replacement for the new R134a. Red Tek 12a is an alkane refrigerant, as opposed to CFC and HFC types that have been blamed for ozone depletion.
    Red Tek 12a is compatible with the o-rings, seals, hoses and oils in both R12 and R134a systems. Unlike R134a, Red Tek 12a is non-toxic and non-corrosive.
    And, since it has larger molecules than the gases it replaces, it is easier to pump through the system. “Because of this, the air conditioner compressor will run cooler. And it’s less likely to leak from the air conditioning system as well,” says Gary Grenzke, a TCB researcher.
    “Because the molecules are larger, you also need less product to charge the system,” adds Mel Brown, a Johnstown, Colorado, distributor who markets Red Tek 12a in the U.S. “Six ounces of Red Tek 12a has the same cooling capacity as 18 oz. of R12 or 16 oz. of R134a.”
    Red Tek 12a is available in 6-oz. cans, which are the same size cans other refrigerants are sold in, and also a 12-lb. cylinder, which is the equivalent of 36 lbs. of R134a. Cans sell for $7.95. Cylinders are $197.40.
    As with any refrigerant, you should follow all local and federal regulations in handling Red Tek. Brown has a tap and hose adapter kit for installing Red Tek 12a, as well as the appropriate adapter fittings.

Pro Seal
Another new product from Mel Brown is ProSeal advanced seal treatment for air conditioner systems.
    ProSeal is a formulated system designed to seal leaks in both metal and rubber parts of air conditioning and refrigeration systems, improving their efficiency. It’s chemically activated by moisture at the leak site to form a permanent seal. Sells for $18.50 per can.
Leak Stop
O-ring and seal failure cause 80 percent of refrigerant loss. LeakStop is a new product that makes seals pliable again, stopping most system leaks. One 4-oz. can treats any car, truck, tractor or combine. Sells for $8 per can.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, (Mel Brown, (no longer sells Red Tek). Please contact: Thermofluid Technologies, Inc.,
2413 E. Broadway, 141, Maryville, TN USA 37804
Tel: 1-888-678-9380 Fax: 865-983-0068 www.redtek.ca.

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2015 - Volume #BFS, Issue #15