2015 - Volume #BFS, Issue #15, Page #111
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Problem Parts Custom-Molded In Poly
If you have a part that continually wears out, Rob Cerne, Seascape Technologies, may have what you need. He says he can often make a replacement part that is better than the original. Seascape molds polyurethane specifically selected to solve problems that made the original parts fail.
  “Our polyurethane is specially formulated for the intended use,” says Cerne. “It can be as soft as chewing gum, as hard as carbide and bend in a thousand different ways, springing back to the original shape. There is one formula that can go in a 300° oven and not be affected."
  Seascape looks at the problem that caused the part to fail and finds the right formula. Pricing is based on material used, labor, volume and complexity of the product to be produced. The company has the expertise to form molds from an existing part, a print or a sketch.
  "Customers send us pictures of the part or the part itself and tell us why the part failed, whether friction, heat, moisture or abrasion," says Cerne. "We ask questions, then sit back and listen."
  He says Seascape works with some of the largest foundries in the country as well as small independent shops and individual orders. The company makes tank liners, machinery wheels, rollers, seals, wipers and wear parts for use in mining, manufacturing, agriculture and foundry operations.
  In many cases, Seascape may already have a mold or even a needed part. About 80 percent of sales are for universal parts and 20 percent for custom. Cerne says that even a single order can be worth it.
  "Often a custom-made part leads us to other people who have the same equipment and need the part as well," says Cerne. "We make wheels for Deere deck mowers that are better than the original rubber ones. If you’re changing deck wheels every spring, we'll send you ones that won't wear so fast."
  Custom molds can be machined on a lathe, or polyurethane may be used to make special tooling or molds. Doing all tooling in-house lets Seascape keep its costs down, notes Cerne.
  "So far there is no limit to the size of the product we can make," says Cerne. "Our job is to solve problems for people and make their days easier."
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Seascape Technologies, N5230 Hwy. E., Ogdensburg, Wis. 54962 (ph 920 244-7767; seascape@wolfnet.net; www.seascapetechnologies.com).

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2015 - Volume #BFS, Issue #15