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“Memory Milk Cans”
Debbie Cornman doesn’t just paint pretty pictures on milk cans. She captures memories of a favorite farm animal, pet, or rural scene.
  “I grew up in agriculture and participated in 4-H. I won the state 4-H dairy judging contest in 1972, so painting dairy cows is my favorite subject,” says the Boiling Springs, Penn., artist.
  Keeping the proper perspective when painting on a round object is challenging, so she spends a lot of prep time drawing sketches based on customers’ photos and their requests. Her husband, Steve, wire brushes rust off the can to prepare it for priming and painting.
  Typically, customers bring their own milk cans. Many customers want favorite cows, but Cornman welcomes new challenges. She’s painted six dogs in front of a waterfall for a New York customer, a sulky rider on a white can with flowers, and a can with several farm buildings and animals including oxen, horses and dogs.
  “What sets my work apart is that most are painted black with gold trim,” Cornman says. The freehand calligraphy accents the lid and bottom of the can and frames the subject, whether it’s in an oval on one side or wrapped around the entire can.
  Cornman studied at a Fresno, Calif., art studio and also does calligraphy and engraving for fair and agricultural awards as well as customized bottles, mugs and glassware. She works out of a studio at the Cornmans’ rural home and often meets with customers at area dairy shows to pick up milk cans and photos.
  She also has cans on hand for customers who don’t have them. Pricing varies depending on the details; most run around $400. Call for more information.
  The artist’s work can be seen on her websites and on Facebook (Debbie Cornman Studio).
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Debbie Cornman, 107 3rd St., Boiling Springs, Penn. 17007
 (ph 717 609-2155; dacpainter@comcast.net; www.debsstudio.com; www.debbiecornmanstudio.com).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4