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2-Wheeled Weeder Provides Uniform Depth Control
“The 2 wheels provide uniform depth control and also make it easier to push than the one-wheeled weeders on the market,” says Marlin Galde, Wahpeton, N. Dak., who recently sent FARM SHOW photos of this tool that he built.
  It rides on two 16-in. pneumatic wheels and is equipped with a 12-in. wide weed bar, which Galde purchased from Hoss Tools. He also added a row of spring teeth behind the weed bar to loosen the soil and weeds before the rear wheel passes over them.  
  “The two wheels move smoothly over the ground and, as a result, the tool requires very little effort to push,” says Galde. “I can quickly adjust the depth of the weed bar by loosening two nuts. The spring teeth are set slightly above the height of the weed bar and loosen up the weeds so they stay on top of the ground.”
  Galde says he paid about $39 for the wheel bar and $50 for the wheels. He used 3/4-in. rigid electrical conduit to make the handlebars and added handlebar grips.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marlin Galde, 18075 78th St. S.E.,
Wahpeton, N. Dak. 58075 (ph 701 899-1676; marlingalde7@wah.midco.net).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4