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Ladder On Wheels Easy To Handle
To make it easier to move his extension ladder around, Tom Kalista, Longview, Wash., attached a pair of lawn mower wheels to the bottom of the heavy fiberglass ladder.
  He inserted a 1/2-in. dia. piece of pipe through the last rung of the ladder and welded 2 washers in place on each side to hold the pipe in place. Then he took the back wheels off a big wheel lawn mower and slipped a solid rod axle through the pipe, fastening the wheels in place at either end.
  The wheels make it easy to move the ladder holding onto one end. When the ladder is up against a building, the wheels are off the ground.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tom Kalista, 2107 48th Ave., Longview, Wash. 98632.

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4