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Blower Keeps Road Edge Clean
Terry Jacob blows grass clippings off road edges before blading them with the township grader. The blower has so much power that he runs it at idle to keep from blowing away gravel.
    “We’ve had a couple of wet springs and the grass gets extra tall before I get it mowed, leaving grass residue on the roads,” says Jacob. “Even when it’s dry, I end up with a considerable amount of residue on the road. The blower clears it away.”
    Jacob purchased the blower at an equipment auction. “It’s a Crary Wind System with a 24 hp engine and a 6-in. blower fan,” says Jacob. “We added mounts to the grader, but we can also use it on any flatbed. All we need is a forklift to move it.”
    The blower is positioned ahead of the grader’s front wheels. Mounting brackets extend back to the grader blade’s frame so Jacob controls the height of the blower with the grader’s hydraulics. He plans to add a wireless remote to control all the blower’s functions. This will allow him to adjust airflow on-the-go. Jacob, who takes great pride in his roadways (Mobile Magnet Collects Scrap Metal, Vol. 39, No. 3), says he has about $2,000 invested in the project so far.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Terry Jacob, 9317 S.W. 72nd, Sedgwick, Kan. 67135 (ph 316 393-7731; ruth1110@kanokla.net).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4