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Battery-Operated Hydraulic Power Pack
“It lets you use one battery-operated hydraulic pack for any job on your farm,” says Ed Maas about his patent-pending, portable TRUC-PACK.
    The remote-controlled unit is designed to mount in your pickup bed or anywhere hydraulic power is needed. It consists of a 2.9-gal. hydraulic reservoir and pump with quick couplers enclosed inside a metal container. It operates off a 12-volt deep cycle battery (not supplied).
    “There are gas-driven power supply systems on the market, but as far as I know, no one else makes a self-contained unit designed for universal use. It gives you live hydraulic power anywhere you want it,” says Maas, who adds that Greg Spanier helped him develop the idea. “Using a portable hydraulic pack is a lot less expensive than paying hundreds of dollars for separate hydraulic pumps on each machine. The machine might be used only for a limited time and then parked for the season. 
     “The TRUC-PACK provides live power all the time. By mounting it in back of your pickup, you can hook up hoses without having to climb in. You have ‘power up, power down’ for full control of 2-way cylinders.”
    He says the unit has a lot of different uses. “It works great to raise farm implements for transport, operate hydraulic ramps on trailers, ATV lifts, log splitters, snowplows, dump trailers, jack stabilizers, and as hydraulic power for antique tractors without hydraulics.”
    A number of options are available for the unit, including a choice of Pioneer or flat-face couplers, a battery isolator kit, single
or tandem hose assemblies, a truck box work light, battery jumper cables with a forklift type plug-in, vehicle and universal mounting kits, valve and coupling configurations to suit your needs, and a locking cover. A “power up/power down/gravity down” option for one-way cylinders and battery power savings is also available.
    The TRUC-PACK sells for $1,095 plus S&H. Dealer inquiries are welcome. Due to weight and hazmat restrictions, units are shipped without battery or hydraulic oil.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ed Maas, 56520 365th St., Eden Valley, Minn. 55329 (ph 952-486-8821; cell 320-493-2330; edw.maas@gmail.com; www.truc-pack.com).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4