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DNA Additive Helps Trace Stolen Fuel
Poisonous snakes often disable their foes with deadly venom. That’s why the British company Datatag ID Limited used the name “Venom” for its new fuel additive that allows owners to “tag” their fuel with a traceable DNA solution.
   Datatag Managing Director Kevin Howells says Venom is a product designed to deter fuel thieves, knowing they could get caught with the pilfered product. Signage on tanks and vehicles identify that Venom is being used. With fuel theft in the UK alone estimated at more than $6 billion annually, the new product is generating a lot of interest.
  Just a few milliliters of Venom will treat several hundred gallons of fuel. It’s especially valuable when treating large quantities in large storage. Howells says that thieves often steal fuel by skimming it off once a tank is full. Those amounts can be placed in hand held containers and transported elsewhere for use. However, once the ‘skimmed’ fuel that’s treated with Venom is used in another vehicle or a tank, traceability is possible.
  If a fuel thief is suspected and the fuel is located, law enforcement can apply a re-agent to a small sample of the suspected stolen fuel. The DNA in Venom will change the fuel color when the re-agent is added. At this stage a secondary sample is taken and sent to a laboratory to confirm the fuel’s registered owner.
   Datatag also sells a “whole farm system” of security measures to protect equipment, including RFID transponders placed on machinery and tools, microscopic Datadots®, and UV stealth etching technology. Datatag says the system provides a unique “fingerprint” that thieves can’t remove.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Datatag ID Ltd., Marine House, Thorpe Lea Road, Egham, Surrey TW20 8BF England (ph 011 44 8 450 700 440; info@datatag.co.uk; www.datatag.co.uk).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4