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Where To Buy New Idea Picker Parts
If you’re looking for parts to get a New Idea corn picker running better, Glendale Repair can help. If they don’t have the part, Steve Zook says they can fabricate a replacement or rebuild the original. He maintains contact with several other picker repair shops that also fabricate parts. Glendale makes new snouts and carries new cast iron toes for snout ends. They also carry a special straw walker for the New Idea model 325.
  “It replaces the first and second flapper and moves trash through better,” says Zook.
  Another of Zook’s special touches is building up the steel snapping rolls with a thin layer of carbide. In the past he used nickel, but after trying carbide on his own picker, Zook is sold.
  “They should last longer,” he says. “However, the difference is in how they work. They take the ear through faster and pop it right off.”
  Glendale can rebuild gearboxes and rubber rolls. Zook suggests that customers call for prices on parts and availability. “We can rebuild rubber husking rolls with new bearings and seals,” he says. “The price will vary depending on the model and the extent of repair. It can cost from $500 to $900 for a set.
  The company also specializes in tractor-powered pickers to horse-drawn units, with special tandem wheels and 12-volt brakes.
  “Our steel tandem wheels mounted on a rocker arm are easier on the machine,” says Steve Zook, Glendale Repair. “When it hits a bump, the picker just rides through it instead of dropping. It is easier on the elevator too.”
  The brakes are an added safety feature. As Zook notes, horses can pull a picker and wagon, but it can be hard for them to stop it on a hill.
  Glendale also offers crawler repair and parts. They carry sputnik casters with replaceable sealed bearings in the swivel, as well as plastic 8 to 10-in. wheels with nylon bearings for the sputnick.
  “We have designed and fabricated quick attach units that let you use nearly any skid-steer loader attachments on your crawler,” says Zook.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Glendale Repair LLC, 241A Williams Run Rd., Christiana, Penn. 17509 (ph 610 593-2942).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #4