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Snow Blade Made From Propane Tank
Mark Yax of Solon, Ohio, wanted a snow blade on the back of his Ford 8N tractor that would let him pull snow away from his garage doors and his driveway turnaround.
    “I had already made a front plow setup for the tractor and wanted to use my Dearborn rear blade to pull snow away from my garage doors and the turnaround. However, the Dearborn blade stuck out a long way and made the tractor’s turning radius too long,” says Yax.
    “I had an old 2-pt. mounted hay rake that mounted just on the lift arms, so I made a blade with metal brackets that mount the same way using just the tractor’s lift arms. The blade is 6 ft. wide and only sticks out about a foot past braces that come off the lift arms.”
    He cut an old 100-gal. propane tank lengthwise into three equal pieces 6 ft. long. They were a little wider than he wanted, so he overlapped them in the middle by 6 in. for extra strength and then welded them together. He cut up a length of 3-in. wide by 3/16-in. thick sq. tubing and welded it onto the top of the blade then used the same material to make the lift arm brackets.
    He welded on a 1-in. dia. schedule 40 pipe to make an edge at the bottom of the blade. “The pipe lets the blade glide right over gravel instead of picking it up. The blade is still kind of lightweight, so I only use it for pulling snow or leveling loose gravel,” notes Yax.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Mark Yax, 36755 Pettibone Rd., Solon, Ohio 44139 (ph 440-248-1894; valmarktool@aol.com).

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2015 - Volume #39, Issue #6