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Ladder Scares Birds Away From Fruit Trees
We’ve had a lot of trouble with birds and deer eating the ripe fruit on a couple of our cherry trees. We started putting nets over the trees and it helped a little.
    Then 5 years ago I forgot to use the nets. However, I had accidentally left a 6-ft. tall plastic construction stepladder standing next to one of the trees. The ladder is orange at the bottom with yellow steps on top. That year no birds or animals touched the fruit. I can’t believe how well this simple idea works, year in and year out. One year I had to use the ladder somewhere else and within 2 days all the berries were gone.
    This summer I plan to paint a couple of old 12-ft. wooden stepladders orange and yellow and set them next to our apple trees. (Harold Schaefer, Mt. Calvary, Wis. ph 920 753-2404; schaefmd@frontier.com)

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #2