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Handy Wire Roller Made From Car Wheel Rim
Rolling up electric fence wire is easy for Harvey Nielsen, who built a wire roller from an old car wheel rim.
    The roller mounts on the tractor drawbar with one pin and plugs into the tractor’s hydraulic outlets. It’s operated by the hydraulic motor off an old swather reel.
    The motor bolts to an angle iron bracket that bolts onto the rim’s hub. Nielsen made a special hub that bolts onto the car rim. Hydraulic hoses run from the motor to the tractor’s remote outlets.
    “I built it 10 years ago, and it hasn’t failed me yet,” says Nielsen. “I stick one end of the wire through a hole in the rim and twist it, then activate the tractor hydraulics to rotate the rim. I made two identical wheel rims so that when one rim gets full, I can unbolt it from the bracket and replace it with another. The rim will take several hundred feet of electric wire. It could also be used for barbed wire.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harvey Nielsen, P.O. Box 1032, Melfort, Sask., Canada S0E 1A0 (ph 306-752-9253).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #3