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Hoof Specialist Invents Two New “Cures”
Farrier Chuck Potter has developed two new hoof-healing products since we introduced him and his Hoof Cinch device in FARM SHOW (Vol. 39, Issue 3). That product eliminates founder pain and realigns horse’s hooves.

    “We have shipped it worldwide and are currently working on adding dealers in Canada and Australia,” Potter says.

    Now, Potter offers two new products for hoof ailments.

    The Lift treats Navicular syndrome, which causes pain in the back of the hoof due to soft tissue damage. The damage often comes from lack of trimming or improper hoof trimming, and puts lots of pressure on the Navicular bone, he explains.

    If caught early, the syndrome can be treated with wedge shoes or wedge pads. But, when the horse can’t walk on a hoof, The Lift provides a better option, Potter says. It comes in two parts that include metal and a mold injected plastic wedge. The metal part is glued with epoxy and screwed to the side of the hoof.

    “I call it an independent heel lift system. There’s nothing that keeps the hoof restricted, and it can move normally,” he explains.

    The Lift stays on for 15 to 30 days, and the horse is put on rest and restricted to a small area. A vet or farrier should attach The Lift to make sure the hoof is thoroughly cleaned and that The Lift is installed properly. Cost for The Lift is $35, plus shipping

    Potter also sells Crack Repair Kits to hold the hoof together until the crack grows out. The kit is a miniature version of Hoof Cinch metal bands. After placing the tightening band over the crack, the stabilizing bands are screwed on both sides. The tightening band is removed, and as the crack grows out, the metal bands can be raised and leapfrogged around until the last of the crack is trimmed away. Cost is $10 plus shipping.

    Videos on the Hoof Cinch website show how products are used.

    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Chuck and Krista Potter, Hoof Cinch LLC, 39751 County Road 12, Dakota, Minn. 55925 (ph 507 459-6949; www.hoofcinch.com; krista@hoofcinch.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #3