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Old Deere Tractor At Home On Silo Top
Drive by Bill Munyon’s farm near Momence, Ill., and you’ll see a most unusual sight - a 1940’s Deere G 2-cyl. tractor mounted on top of a 30-ft. silo.
    The silo tractor stands in Munyon’s farmyard next to a busy road on the edge of town. The landmark is easily visible as cars travel by.
    “I came up with the idea because I like to have fun, and it has certainly provided that,” says Munyon. “It has been shown on the RFD-TV channel several times, and for a while it appeared on billboards along a local interstate highway. Over the years we’ve watched many cars slow down and point. Many drivers stop and take pictures.”    
    Munyon, who says his motto is “Collector of fine junk since 1934 - I buy but do not sell”, put the tractor in place back in 1992. “I bought the tractor used and drove it for a while until the engine went bad. I didn’t want to spend the money to fix it, but I didn’t want to junk it either.”
    He gave the old Deere a good paint job. “It had to look nice up there where everyone can see it,” he says.
    Next he had a large crane lift the tractor into place.
    The tractor is chained down and also secured with cables at several places to the silo’s roof. “I took the air out of the tires so the tractor can’t roll. Heavy winds have come through several times over the years, but we’ve never had a problem,” notes Munyon.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, William Munyon, 14251 Rt. 114, Momence, Ill. 60954 (ph 815 472-2255).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #3