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Rubber Plugs Stop All Kinds Of Leaks
New flexible LDV plugs are made from a soft, flexible rubber that’s resistant to most shop chemicals and automotive fluids. They work great to plug oil lines, spark plug sockets, radiator hose lines, and just about any opening when working on equipment. They’re available in different styles and sizes, with either tapered or concave ends so they can either go inside the line or over it.
  “LDV stands for liquid, dust, and vacuum, and our plugs can be used on all 3 kinds of lines,” says Dennis Volzke. “They will stop any non-pressurized leaking.  
  “You can use them to form a seal when pressure washing, sandblasting, painting, or power washing. They can keep contaminants from getting into the oil whenever you change hydraulic hoses. The plugs are made of FDA formulated rubber so you can even use them with food service equipment and for plumbing work. One customer uses them on his meat smoker to control the volume of air coming through an opening in the smoker. The rubber has a working range of minus 40 degrees to positive 250 degrees.”
  LDV plugs are sold in 1/2, 1, 2, and 3-in. dia. sizes. Price for a bag of six plugs of the same size ranges from $9.99 to $16.99 plus S&H. A kit including 12 plugs with all 4 sizes, contained in a plastic “service tray”, sells for $49.89. A service tray kit with 12 plugs containing just the 3 largest sizes sells for $59.99.
  “The service tray is vacuum formed and keeps the plugs from rolling around in your toolbox,” says Volzke.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Dennis & Lauren Volzke, LDV Plugs, Aberdeen, S. Dak. (ph 605 216-7516; www.ldvplugs.com).

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #3