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Simple Two-Hole Calf Feeder
In order to start weaning his pair of Holstein cross bottle calves with the help of some feed, Caleb Howerton of Green Thicket Farm in Springfield, Mo., made a calf feeder out of a 5-gal. bucket and some scrap wood.
  To construct the feeder, the lid was fitted securely on the bucket, and the bucket, with the wire handle removed, was cut exactly in half from top to bottom with a circular saw to form the troughs that would hold the feed. Caleb used the scrap wood to build a frame to support the troughs. The bucket halves were screwed together at the base, and the frame was then assembled around two bucket troughs for stability.
  The finished feeder allows both calves to eat comfortably at the same time, and Caleb said the whole project cost about $6 and saved him a trip into town. The feeder can also be used to feed piglets, sheep or other small livestock.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Caleb Howerton, Green Thicket Farm, 1008 E. Farm Road 54, Springfield, Mo. 65803.

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2017 - Volume #41, Issue #5