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Tractor Bed Perfect For Future Farmer
From the time he was in diapers, 6-year-old Aiden Houston has been riding in front of his grandfather, Vern Frost, on the tractor. “He’s always loved mechanical stuff,” Vern says.
    So it came as no surprise when Aiden’s mother, Mindy, sent Vern a picture of a John Deere tractor bed, and asked him to make one. “I came across a pattern for it on the internet,” she explained, “and figured Dad could do it.
    Vern harvested spruce logs in the mountains and sawed the boards he needed on his own mill. What was the most challenging part of creating the tractor bed? “The wheels,” Vern says. “I had to hand-paint them to look like real tires.”
His wife, Connie, helped with the painting. The tires are black, the hubs are yellow, and the main body, of course, is green.
Vern added clips to the tires so they can be removed easily when Mindy changes the sheets, which are also patterned after farm machinery.
Originally, the tractor bed was supposed to have bunks, but Vern modified the top one to be a play area. It can be reached by a ladder that is secured between the headlights. “There’s a whole board of stuff up top,” Connie said, “including a steering wheel, toggle switches, gauges, and a horn.” There’s even a mock smokestack.
“My husband, Joel, and I took the horn off, though,” laughed Mindy. “It was really loud and that was getting ridiculous!”
Upon completion, the bed was taken apart and smuggled into Aiden’s room the day of his second birthday. At first, “he wasn’t sure what to think. Once he realized it was a giant play toy, though, he started spending a lot of time up there.”
    Mindy recently put in a request for a sports car bed for her second son, since “Aiden is my tractor-paced child, but Garrett is my fast-paced one.”
Vern doesn’t seem to mind. “Guess I’d better get back to work,” he said.

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #1