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Starter Helper Easy To Add
Jim Gairns has an easy fix for starting an Allis Chalmers B. Normally the operator pushes the starter in with his heel. When an older owner of a B said he was having trouble doing so, Gairns came up with a simple solution. Others wanted the device when they saw how it worked.
  “Pushing the starter on the B with the heel of your foot can be hard for older people to do,” says Gairns. “My hand starter lever makes it easy.”
  The lever is a very simple device that is held in place ahead of the starter. It consists of a steel bracket that clamps to the front fender support bar. Two bolts go through the bracket to a flat bar with matching holes.
  The lever rests against the starter. Simply pushing it forward activates the starter. A bolt in the bracket can be turned in or out as needed to keep the lever pressed up against the starter. The lever itself pivots on a bolt through the bracket.
  “Removal is just as easy as installing,” says Gairns. “Just remove the 2 bolts, pull the bracket and lever away, and the tractor is back to its original form.”
  Gairns sells the bracket and 16-in. lever for $100.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Jim Gairns, 1811-70th Ave., Evart, Mich. 49631 (ph 231 734-5811).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #2