2018 - Volume #BFS, Issue #18, Page #05
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Rotating Deer Stand Made From Pickup Cab
Austin Roney of Oakes, N. Dak., converted an old GM 3/4-ton pickup cab into a nifty deer stand that rotates 360 degrees.
  “All the windows and the steering wheel and dashboard are still in place, but I removed everything else including the engine and transmission. I just turn the steering wheel to rotate the cab,” says Roney.
  The cab mounts on a welded-together, rectangle-shaped frame made from 2 3/8-in. well pipe and 3/4-in. sucker rod. The legs at the base of the frame are about 7 ft. apart, and the base of the cab is 10 ft. off the ground. A metal stairway leads to an expanded metal platform that’s welded to the top of the frame, next to one of the cab’s doors. Roney welded the other cab door shut.
   “I built it last summer at my dad’s business in town and then hauled it 10 miles home on a flatbed trailer. It has fork slots at the bottom so I can lift it into position with a tractor loader.” 
  The end drive gearbox off an old center pivot irrigator serves as a turntable mechanism for the cab. One end of a 4-ft. long pipe is welded to the pickup’s frame under the radiator, and the other end is welded to the gearbox. The gearbox shaft-drives a pulley that belt-drives another pulley attached to the pickup’s steering shaft. “I just turn the steering wheel to turn the cab in either direction,” says Roney.
  He says that next fall he plans to put a battery inside the cab and use it to operate the pickup’s heater. “I think the same battery could also be used to operate the pickup’s windshield wipers, headlights and radio,” notes Roney.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Austin Roney, Oakes, N. Dak. 58474 (ph 701 408-9077; austin.roney@k12.nd.us).

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2018 - Volume #BFS, Issue #18