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Home-Built Solar Water Pumping Kit
Donnie Cox of Haworth, Okla., recently sent FARM SHOW photos of a portable solar-powered setup he uses to provide pond water to his cattle.
    “Several years back we had a pond dug on our property,” says Cox. “I wanted to keep cattle out of it so I ran an electric fence around the perimeter. Then I installed a 100-gal. tank outside the fence and hooked up a float valve in it to a DC pump.
    “To power both the electric fence and the pump I bought four, 40-watt solar panels and set them on a home-built metal frame that’s bolted to a wooden platform. The panels are wired to a pair of 12-volt batteries located inside a wooden box on the platform. The panels keep the batteries charged, and the batteries keep the pump going.”
    Cox says his solar panel setup has come in handy for doing other jobs, too. “Last summer I moved the system up to our yard where my great granddaughter keeps show goats inside a pen. I also installed a DC-AC inverter so that she can use a big fan to keep the goats cool during hot summer weather. I’ve even used the panels to power Christmas lights that decorate a tree in our pasture.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Donnie W. Cox, 2139 Union Grove Road, Haworth, Okla. 74740 (ph 580 212-5848; donniewcox@gmail.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #4