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Oil Changing Ramps Solve Car Loading Problem
David Schmickle, Newburg, Mo., often uses his 4-WD pickup and 16-ft. utility trailer to haul old cars. He uses an electric winch and flat ramps to pull the cars up into the trailer.
  “The problem is, many cars set so low to the ground that I can’t pull them up onto the trailer without the car’s front end, or the muffler, hanging up on the trailer’s floor,” says Schmickle.
  So he came up with an easy solution that puts the pickup’s rear wheels on top of an ordinary set of oil changing ramps. He places the ramps behind the pickup, then backs up until the rear wheels are on top of them. Then he places a pair of standard flat ramps behind the trailer.
  “The oil changing ramps raise the back end of the pickup about 1 ft., which causes the back end of the trailer to drop by several inches. It leaves an almost straight plane for the car to go up the flat ramps and onto the trailer,” says Schmickle.
  He owns 16-ft. utility trailers and uses them to haul old cars for friends. “Over the years the front ends on newer cars have been getting lower and lower, and it isn’t always possible any more to pull them up onto the trailer,” he says.
  He recently bought a used Honda Civic with about 350,000 miles on it. “This car sits low and with that many miles on it I know it’ll break down some day, but when that happens I’ll be able to load it onto the trailer by myself with no problems,” notes Schmickle.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, David Schmickle, 327 Schofer St., Newburg, Mo. 65550 (ph 573 578-9754).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #4