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Make Rings From Springs
Making steel rings for shop projects or quick fixes is easy if you have some old springs lying around. Andy Kozlowski has a foolproof method that’s fast and easy if you take the right precautions.
    “Use protective eyewear, and don’t put your fingers or anything fragile or of value between the coils of large springs,” warns Kozlowski. “Broken or discarded garage door springs and others that are strong and tight can be hard to separate. If one hand gets pinched in a spring, it will be hard to get it out with only one free hand.”
    The first step in cutting one or more coils loose from a spring is to run a wire or cord through the center of the spring as a restraint. It will keep the cut coil(s) from flying loose.
    Kozlowski points out that metal rings are two coils thick except where the ends overlap. When cutting coils loose, find the existing end and then back off from that point on the coil being cut.
    “It is customary to cut the new end on a slant like the old one, but not required,” adds Kozlowski
    With the restraint in place, identify the spot to be cut. Use a screwdriver to separate the coils to provide access to the cutting target.
    “The bigger the screwdriver, the more room you will have to work; however too large and it may stretch the coils, leaving space between them,” says Kozlowski.
    He suggests using a Dremel tool with a steel cutting disk. If creating a one-coil ring, simply make a lateral cut the length of the spring to release the desired number of rings.
    “You can use a Dremel, an angle grinder with a cutting disc, a pair of bolt cutters or even a hacksaw for this,” says Kozlowski.
    When first cut away, the ends will not line up due to the coiling of the spring. The cut also leaves a space between ends; however, both problems are easily solved.
    “Use 2 screwdrivers to bend the ends further out of alignment until they clear each other,” says Kozlowski. “Using a pair of groove joint pliers, compress the ring until the space between ends is as small as desired. Then use the screwdrivers again to realign the ends.”
    Kozlowski suggests using a bench vise on larger spring coils. He adds that if using the rings to hold items like keys, add them to the ring before compressing and aligning ends. Rings to be closed permanently can be tack welded at the joint.
    For a full set of pictures and more detail visit http://www.instructables.com/id/Rings-and-Split-Rings/.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Andy Kozlowski, Califon, N.J. 07830 andyk_00@yahoo.com).

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2018 - Volume #42, Issue #4