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Do-It-Yourself Fish Habitat
“I have been working on developing an affordable fish habitat to place at the lake where I fish. I finally came up with a design that really works. I’ve caught thousands of crappies around these habitats over the past 4 to 5 years,” says Basil Bacon (baconbe@gmail.com).
    “I found a plastic pipe manufacturer who sold me some 10-ft. seconds for less than $10 apiece.
    “The cross pieces are vinyl siding, which I got free. Many old houses with vinyl are either coming down or being re-sided. You can get as many pieces as you want for nothing.
    “What I do is cut teardrop-shaped holes in the pipe with a jigsaw and then tie one end of the pipe to a concrete block with wire and attach an empty sealed gallon milk jug to the top. The jug keeps the ‘tree’ standing up straight. Then I simply slide the siding into the holes as shown in the picture and drop them overboard, recording the location with a buoy or GPS.
    “This has worked better than any other method I’ve tried.”

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #2