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App Shows School Bus Location In Real Time
Imagine looking at a phone app to see exactly where your children’s school bus is - especially on those cold, snowy mornings when you don’t want children standing outside for a long time.
  The app, Here Comes the Bus, is already available to more than 1 million people who live in school districts that pay for Synovia Solutions services.
  About 1,000 school districts already use the service. Besides routing, districts can track speeding, dangerous driving and excessive idling to create a safer and less expensive transportation system.
  “In 2014, with all that data and the growth of the mobile technology industry, we saw a way to make an app to show the location of a school bus in real time,” Mitchell says.
  The Here Comes the Bus app is free to anyone in school districts that have purchased the software. Users can check the app any time to look at a map and see if a bus is on time or late due to weather or traffic.
  So far, the service has been only available to customers who purchase the company’s routing services, Mitchell says. In rural areas, districts usually do their own routing and don’t need that service.
  “We are developing a product that doesn’t need routing software and trying to work it out to have before the next school year,” he notes.
  “Once parents have it, they don’t want to go without it. With 4.6 stars in the app store and more than 40,000 reviews over four years, it’s fairly well proven in the market,” Mitchell says.
  To be notified when the app is available, Mitchell suggests people tell their school districts to contact Synovia about cost and how to get started.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Synovia Solutions, 9330 Priority Way, Indianapolis, Ind. 46240 (ph 877 796-6842; www.synoviasolutions.com; support@synoviasolutions.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3