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Chemical Tote Manlift Mounts On Backhoe
By repurposing an empty chemical tote and a couple of bucket forks, Harley Willmart made a handy manlift for his Deere backhoe.
    “I use it all over the farm. It’s handy and far safer than using a ladder,” says the Iowa farmer. “The beauty of this manlift design is that it can be adapted to fit any bucket. The forks slip through the tote just like a pallet, so putting it on and taking it off doesn’t take much time.”
    He mounted forks on the back of the backhoe bucket by drilling holes on either side to insert a 2-in. dia. steel shaft to hold them. The tote bucket is held in place by a single pin.
    Willmart says the manlift can be raised about 25 ft. high. “It comes in handy for trimming trees, cleaning out eave troughs, working on buildings, and so forth. I always use a safety harness around my waist so I can’t fall out.”
    Willmart notes that his manlift is on a Deere 710 backhoe, the largest model made by the company. “I use the backhoe to take out a lot of trees and tree stumps for myself and a few neighbors. Anyone building something similar should remember that any time something is extended, equipment can become tippy and unsafe. So it’s important to have big enough equipment to handle the job.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Harley Willmart, 2208 500th St., Buffalo Center, Iowa 50424 (ph 507-525-0490; willmart@hotmail.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #3