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Other Nifty Mailbox Alerts
Readers who don’t want to build their own have a wide variety of mailbox alerts to choose from. Some of the most popular, as noted on amazon.com, include wireless electronic as well as mechanical devices.

Mail Chime Mail-120, wireless mail alert system received 4.3 out of 5 stars with more than 1,200 reviews. It offers adjustable volume, audible and visual notification, and works up to 300 ft. away from the home. However, it is not recommended for extra large, heavy-walled mailboxes. It is priced at $44.95

The Smarthome Select 74771 wireless mailbox alert system offers audible and visual alerts in the home. It received 4.5 out of 5 stars with 157 reviews and is priced at $27.99.

One of the more popular mechanical systems is Mail Time, a yellow mailbox alert, signal flag designed for long rural driveways. It received 4.5 stars out of 5 with more than 500 reviews. It is a rustproof aluminum flag powder-coated a bright yellow. It is made in the U.S. and priced at $15.95.

Another popular mechanical device was the AVM-01 Automatic Visual Mail Signal from Miles Kimball. It received 4.6 out of 5 stars with more than 330 reviews. It uses a bright yellow ball that can be seen from several hundred feet away and is priced at $10.99.

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #5