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4-Wheeler “Sled” Made From Pickup Bed Liner
This pull-type sled made from an old plastic pickup bed liner is inexpensive and almost indestructible, according to inventor Cory Setcoski, McMillan, Mich.
The sled measures 6 ft. long by 2 ft. wide and has 1 1/2-ft. high sides. Setcoski pulls it behind his 4-wheeler and uses it to haul firewood as well as hunting and fishing gear.
“It’s big enough to haul a cord of firewood weighing 1,500 lbs. over snow that’s up to 12 in. deep,” says Setcoski. “It looks somewhat similar to the Jet Sled sold at many sporting goods stores. However, the Jet Sled sells for $100 or more and isn’t nearly as durable as my sled.”
He got the pickup liner from a neighbor who had planned to toss it. He cut a 55-gal. plastic barrel in half lengthwise to make 2 halves, then bolted them side by side on front of the liner so that it will ride smoothly on top of the snow without bogging down. He drilled a 2-in. dia. hole where the barrel halves overlap and inserted a heavy duty tow strap. One end of the strap attaches to the 4-wheeler’s hitch, and the other end to a big V-shaped length of angle iron that’s the width of the sled. As the sled is pulled, the angle iron pulls against its entire front end to spread the load out and keep the tow strap from pulling through the hole.
“It worked out better than I thought it would and looks good. It still has the pickup fender wells on it, but that just adds character,” says Setcoski. “I painted the barrels black to match the color of the bedliner. When bolting the barrels onto the sled, I added big washers to keep the bolt heads from pulling through. I also bolted a 2 by 6 ‘stopper’ on back of the liner to keep material from sliding off as I drive.
“I use it primarily to haul firewood out of our woods in early winter, before the snow gets too deep and we can’t drive our 4-wheeler without getting stuck. I could pull the sled behind a snowmobile, but a snowmobile would be even more likely to get stuck while pulling a big load.”
Setcoski lives on a lake and says the sled comes in handy for ice fishing. “I use the sled to haul our fold-up ice fishing shack onto the lake and also to haul other stuff back and forth,” he notes.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Cory Setcoski, 6927 Florence SR, McMillan, Mich. 49853 (ph 906 241-5037; c_setcoski@hotmail.com).

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2019 - Volume #43, Issue #6