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Groomer/Blade Combo Keeps Cows Comfortable, Productive
The tractor-mounted groomer and feed push-up blade from Hatfield Mfg. can be mounted individually, or both can be mounted to a single tractor to do double duty. Both are designed to meet the needs of dairy herds from 200 to 500 in size or greater.
“The groomer addresses a primary concern for dairymen, which is cow comfort,” explains Jason Hatfield, Hatfield Mfg. “Keeping the stalls groomed also reduces somatic cell count and extends the life of bedding material.”
As cows lay down, they naturally drag bedding material back, eventually digging a hole in front of the stall. If the material is kept soft and level, cows don’t get hung up, and they stay more comfortable.
The hardened groomer tines comb the bedding material to fluff and level it. An adjustable guide makes it easy for the operator to follow the curb while the scraper clears away manure from the curb. The tines and guide are replaceable.
The push-up blade is designed to push feed so the cattle can easily reach it. It reduces waste and ensures access to the feed. Each blade comes with a 2 by 12-in. replacement blade edge.
“We use ultra high molecular weight (UHMW) plastic blade edges,” says Hatfield. “They don’t tear up the concrete or asphalt, and any piece that does wear off is not harmful to cows, unlike metal blades.”
Depending on the tractor, the blade is automatically in float position. When lowered, it follows contours and avoids excessive down pressure that can wear away the blade edge.
Hatfield sells the push-up blade and groomer separately. A push-up blade is priced at $3,800, while the groomer is priced at $6,800. Both are designed for heavy-duty use with a powder coat finish. Push-up blades are designed for mounting to either side of a tractor, allowing dual blades on the same tractor.
“The groomer and push-up blade can be used on 15 to 20 different tractor brands worldwide,” says Hatfield. “We can supply tractors with the attachments installed, or just the attachments adapted specifically for the customer’s tractor.”
Hatfield recommends a minimum 30 hp. tractor for one attachment or 50 hp. if both are mounted to the same tractor.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Hatfield Manufacturing, 1823 Shoestring Rd., Gooding, Idaho 83330 (ph 208 934-5182; toll free 800 359-8171; www.hatfieldmfg.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #1