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Many Uses For Rare Earth Magnets
When Alvin Beechy started using magnets in his Amish buggy shop to hold windows open or shut, he had no idea others would find so many uses for the magnets. Now his LaGrange, Ind., business carries a large inventory of rare earth magnets that are shipped across the country to individuals and businesses.
“I don’t know what all the uses are but we sell to furniture, canvas, and leather shops among others,” Beechy says.
A 1-in. magnet is about the size of a quarter and can lift 60 lbs. The imported rare earth magnets are about 10 times stronger than normal ferrite magnets.
People typically use the magnets to hold things securely in place, Beechy says. He has a pole barn builder that buys 1,000 at a time. Other customers use magnets to hold guards and shields in place, instead of hard-to-get-at bolts that need to be removed when changing a belt or other maintenance.
Other uses include holding sheet metal together for welding, securing a small vise, pulling out dents, holding tarps on trucks, and even holding an outhouse door shut.
Beechy stocks magnets in sizes from 3/8 in. dia. to 1 in. dia., and sells them individually or in lots of 10, 100, 1,000 or more with reduced per/unit prices. For example: 1-in. magnets cost $2.50/each or $1.30/each for 100 or more (plus shipping). Beechy also sells steel cups to hold the magnets, which increases magnet strength and protects them from breaking, and he sells strike plates for magnet contact.  
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Alvin Beechy, Beechy Buggy Shop, 1475 S. 250 W., LaGrange, Ind. 46761 (ph 260 499-3277, ext. 4).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #1