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Freestall-SuperHutch Keeps Calves Dry
After your article on our Han-D-Hut fiberglass building, we found out that calf raisers needed a second stage housing unit to get calves of the same age and size learning how to compete for feed after being taken out of calf barns and hutches. Our Freestall - SuperHutchÖ keeps calves up to 4 months of age in a drier, cleaner and more comfort-able draft-free environment than conventional calf hutches. Our SuperHutches permit each calf to walk into its own unit and then back out at will. Being grouped together with calves the same age and size, it learns how to interact and compete for feed and it stays much cleaner inside the hutches. You can gang them together in groups from 2 to 200, setting up a wire pen around the open ends. They're made of fiberglass which is much cooler than plastic in summer. We manufacture and sell direct to customers. (Owen Vaaler, Vic Fiberglass Calf Hutches, 111 Maple Dr., Spring Grove, Minn. 55974)

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #3