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“Tire And Tote” Mineral Feeders
Old car tires make good low-cost livestock mineral feeders, says Don Boggs, Pickens, S.C., who put together a car tire and the bottom part of a plastic barrel to feed salt and minerals to his livestock.
    “Cattle can’t knock it around and it won’t rust out. It’s virtually indestructible,” says Boggs. “I keep it inside a shed so the feed stays dry.”
    Boggs started with a barrel that measured 23 in. in dia. He cut off and used the bottom 12 in., then cut out the top side of a 16-in. tire so the barrel would fit through. He used a tapered bit to drill several holes in the bottom rim of the tire for water to drain, and so he could drive rods into the ground to hold the tire in place. Welded-on washers keep the rods from going all the way through the tire. The barrel sets on the tire’s bottom rim.
    “The barrel doesn’t fit perfectly inside the tire, which leaves small gaps where water can come in. However, the holes allow the moisture to drain,” says Boggs. “I installed an eye bolt in the tire’s tread which makes it easy to move the feeder around.”

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4