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“How I Made Our Yard Hydrant Easier To Use”
Bill Collins, Clinton, Mo., recently sent FARM SHOW photos of the 2-ft. long extension he mounted on the handle of his new yard hydrant. It provides the operator with more leverage, and makes it easier for his wife to use the pressurized hydrant.
  “My wife is 70 years old and weighs only about 100 lbs. Unfortunately, the plumber installed the hydrant so close to our barn that she found the handle difficult to lift,” says Collins.
  He removed the handle and drilled a hole through it. Then he welded a 2-ft. length of 1 1/2-in. dia. pipe to a small, U-shaped channel iron bracket and bolted it on.
  “It works slick. My wife is really happy with it,” says Collins. “It’s so easy to use that our 7-year-old grandson can operate it. When my 80-year-old friend saw how easy it is to use, he went home the same day and made one for himself.”
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bill Collins, 111 S.E. 3641 P Lane, Clinton, Mo. 64735 (ph 660 351-2270; collins.enterprises97@gmail.com).  

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4