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3-Pt. Mounted Wire Winder
“I needed a heavy-duty wire winder to help fence off corn fields for my cattle to glean. So I made a 3-pt. mounted unit from the reduction gear off a grain auger, the pto shaft from a manure spreader, and an old wheel rim,” says Richard Zigler, Charles Town, W. Va.
     He used truck leaf springs and scrap metal to build a frame, bending the springs down at a 90 degree angle. The auger reduction gear was originally fastened to a big steel plate, which Zigler cut off and welded to the springs. The reduction gear drives a 2-in. dia. pipe that’s fastened to a small metal plate, which has bolts welded onto it to support the wheel rim. He widened the rim by cutting the center out of a pair of disc blades and welding one onto each side of the rim.
    “It works great, and is built much stronger than commercial wire winders mounted on a pickup bumper and driven by a starter motor and friction wheel,” says Zigler. “Instead of having to drive alongside the wire to wind it up, I can just park my wire winder at one end of the wire and reel it in.
    “I’ve even used it to pull a 1 1/4-mile-long wire strand off a cleared field. However, it takes 2 men to operate this machine safely - one to drive the tractor and watch for debris and knots in the wire, and the other to evenly guide the wire onto the wheel rim. If the tractor driver sees a knot in the wire, he can shut off the pto so the person guiding the wire into the winder doesn’t get caught in it.”
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Richard Zigler, 1083 Roper North Fork Road, Charles Town, W. Va. 25414 (ph 304 283-6799; rzigler01@gmail.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #4