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Netting Saves Berries From Birds
We like the simple solution John Eckhardt came up with to protect his wife, Misty’s, strawberries from birds. Eckhardt, who works in the wholesale electric supply business, used something he is familiar with - 3/4-in. pvc conduit.
    He cut 6 legs (18 to 24-in.) for each of the three 6 by 10-ft. beds and used elbows to connect conduit on each end and in the middle. He added pvc T’s to run conduit down the middle for one half and, because there isn’t 4-way pvc, he butted the other conduit piece to the middle and secured it with a hose clamp.
    “At first I put metal rods in the ground to slip the conduit over, but then I found I could just put the conduit in the ground about 4-in.,” Eckhardt says.
    The couple covered the frame with bird netting and used twist ties to secure it to the conduit. The ties along with the bricks and rocks holding down the ends of the netting are easy to remove when berries are picked.
    Eckhardt used 4 1/2 pieces of 10-ft. conduit for each bed and spent less than $50 to make frames for the three beds.
    “It worked good and kept the birds out of the strawberries,” he says. The setup would work in raised beds or in a regular garden.
    After the strawberries were harvested, he disconnected the middle conduit and zip-tied the pieces for each bed in separate bundles to store over the winter until spring.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, John Eckhardt, 606 S. Nance Ave, Minden, Neb. 68959 (ph 308 832-5071; john.eckha@gmail.com)

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #5