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Loader-Mounted Tool Holders
“I got this idea from a friend’s Facebook post, and my father-in-law and I put it into action on our Kubota 46 hp. loader tractor. It gives us extra room for storage, and we always know where our chains and tools are,” says Ryan Foley, Powell Butte, Oregon.
    The loader frame has a 4-in. dia. tube between the arms just ahead of the tractor. Foley bought a pvc tube to fit inside the tube and cut a wide slot along the top of it, then threaded a pvc cap onto the end of the tube.
    “I used to keep chains on the operator’s platform but they were always in the way or falling off the platform. My tool holder is a better way to hold a few chains and small tools,” says Foley.
    Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Ryan Foley, 16071 Sw Alfalfa Rd., Powell Butte, Oregon 97753 (ph 541 788-9729; ryangfoley@gmail.com).    

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #5