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Tube Bending: Butterfly Nets To Fighter Jets
If a bent tube is needed, Tubular Techniques can provide it, no matter what it’s for. The company has bent tubes to make butterfly nets for the Ohio State University Department of Entomology and tubes for F-16 fighter jets.
  “A lot of our customers are do-it-yourselfers and farmers trying to fix a piece of equipment,” says Steve Harman, Tubular Techniques. “We also do frames and tubing for equipment prototypes, as well as crowd control and hand rails, even hand holders for emergency response vehicles. The variety is part of what makes what we do so much fun.
  “We don’t do engineering,” says Harman. “We need a sample (even if it is damaged), a drawing or a model. It can be as simple as a straightened coat hanger with the intentional bends needed and longer than thought needed. Some people can make drawings, but photos usually are not helpful due to distortion from the lens.”
  A challenging job recently was a one-off for a trade show. The client sold grills and wanted to attract attention. They assembled a model of what they wanted using 2-in. pipe insulation for the model. It was a set of 5 stainless steel exhaust pipes that came out of the grill and twisted around a smoker unit.
  “It was near impossible bending with a lot of welding and polishing to make it look like one twisted piece,” says Harman.
  That kind of exhaust header work for hot rods is what got Harman started in tube bending. A part-time job while in college turned into a unique career.
  Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Tubular Techniques, 3025 Scioto Darby Executive Court, Hilliard, Ohio 43026 (ph 614 529-4130; steve@tubulartechniques.com; www.tubulartechniques.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #5