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Welder Likes These Products
“Anyone who’s ever braised, welded or soldered likely has a permanent ‘metalworking brand’ because of flying sparks and slag,” says pipefitter Jeff Prose. “I’ve been a welder for 20 years and have several skin divots to prove it.”
Prose uses OHSA-approved protective wear at his job, but notes there are several consumer products that are ideal for small shops and metalworkers. Heatshield Products sells welding and torch blankets, an industrial welding jacket and a welding pillow. The company’s five different heavy-duty welding blankets are sized from 18 in. square to 52 in. by 72 in. Some of the blankets have grommets and magnets for easy positioning. Prose says welding blankets are ideal for repair jobs to protect painted materials from flying sparks and weld slag. The blanket protects at up to 1,800 degrees F of continuous heat and 2,000 degrees F intermittent.
Another helpful product for welders is a heavy-duty jacket. Heatshield Products makes one from their weld mat that’s abrasion-resistant and impervious to liquid. It protects the front, arms and shoulders of the welder while the open back allows ventilation. They also make a carbon fiber jacket that protects against metal splashes, flames, sparks and UV radiation.
ROGO Fasteners produces Heat Shield Protective Gel that’s a heat sink especially designed for brazing. The gel protects valves, controls and surrounding areas from heat damage during welding, brazing or other applications. Heat Shield Gel is sprayed on areas surrounding the working joint or can completely encircle copper tubing to prevent heat transfer. The clear, non-staining gel is odorless, non-toxic and won’t harm skin. After use it evaporates without leaving residue.  
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rogo Fastener, 31 Industrial Drive, Middletown, New York 10941 (ph 800 423-7646; www.rogofastener.com) or Heatshield Products, P.O. Box 482500, Escondido, Calif. 92046 (ph 844 723-2665; www.heatshieldproducts.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #5