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Towable Feed Bunk Business Still Going Strong
Back in 2001 Bob Lutz, Powersville, Mo., introduced towable feed bunks on wheels that can be hooked together so the entire string can be moved around with a tractor or pickup (Vol. 26, No. 5). He and wife Irene still sell the 14-ft. mobile bunks, and have also branched into other products under their company, Feed Train, LLC.
The all-steel, 2-wheeled bunks measure 12 ft. long, 26 in. wide, and 12 in. deep. A special hitch on the front bunk hooks to the tow vehicle. The bunks are “steerable” so each successive bunk follows in the tracks of the one ahead of it, even when making sharp corners. A drain built into the bottom of each bunk lets water out.
“Our mobile feed bunks were slow to take off and have sold in spurts over the years,” says Bob. “However, our design is patented and I don’t know of anyone else who sells towable feed bunks. The only change we’ve made over the years is to add an optional fenceline feeder, which bolts on inside the bunk to keep cows from crossing to the other side.”
A few years ago a Nebraska rancher bought 23 of their towable bunks. “He tows them about 7 miles every day to cattle in 4 different pastures,” says Bob.
A year ago the company got a phone call from another rancher, who had contacted the company soon after the original FARM SHOW article was published. “He couldn’t afford to buy the bunks back then,” says Irene. “However, he had saved the article for all those years and decided now that he’s older it might be the time to buy.”
Bob and Irene say the rest of their products - including creep feeders, bulk bins, ATV and UTV feeders - have all sold well. The company recently introduced a pair of small creep feeders available in 650 and 1,000-lb. capacities.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Feed Train, LLC, 15330 State Hwy. E., Powersville, Mo. 64672 (ph 888 592-2351 or 660 947-4399; feedtrain@yahoo.com; www.feedtrain.com).    

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #5