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Sheep Farmer Sells “Fun With Wool” Kits
Laura Berlage makes it easy to learn how to felt wool into cute little critters. She’ll send you a kit and you can follow her directions in a 3-hr. Zoom video conferencing class (for an extra fee), or you can watch a video for instructions (free with your kit).
At $25, her kits come with everything you need: wool roving, a foam work pad, two 38-gauge felting needles, eyes, and needle and thread. Many of the kits contain material for two of the hand-sized critters - including bunnies, birds, livestock and pets. Berlage has a video for each one on her Erindale Tapestry Studio website.
Before the coronavirus, Berlage offered classes in her on-farm studio as well as other venues she traveled to. Laura encouraged area folk schools to embrace online learning and was part of the initial team of instructors that launched live virtual classes through North House Folk Schools. She started with just 5 participants in June to create a wool felt loon via Zoom.
“It was so popular we had to run it 4 times. It’s really taken off, and I’ve done nearly 2 dozen classes this way,” she says, adding people have signed up from all over the U.S. and Canada.
Check out Events on her Facebook page for upcoming classes. Or, order kits from the farm website.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Laura Berlage, North Star Homestead Farms, LLC, 11077 Fullington Rd., Hayward, Wis. 54843 (ph 715 462-3453; www.erindaletapestrystudio.com; laura@erindaletapestrystudio.com; Facebook: Erindale Tapestry Studio: Laura Berlage).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #6