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“Calf Saver” Warming Box
“I haven’t lost a single newborn calf since I started using this simple idea many years ago,” says cow-calf operator Bob Holloway, Trenton, Mo., about his homemade calf-warming box.
The box is made from 2 by 4’s covered with plywood and measures about 4 ft. long by 3 ft. wide and high. It’s open at the bottom and has a removable lid that can be latched down.
Holloway fills the box about 2/3 full of straw and lays the cold calf inside the box and on top of the straw. He then fills six to eight clean 1-gal. antifreeze jugs, or similar heavy-duty jugs, with hot tap water.
“I place the jugs right up against the calf’s body so the heat soaks in. Then I cover the calf and jugs with more loose straw, and place the lid back on the box,” says Holloway. “Usually in about 2 hrs., the calf is warm and standing up, and wants to get out. If the calf’s temperature is 101 degrees, which is normal for a calf, I bring the calf back to its mama and make sure that it gets a belly full of milk.
“The box has no bottom, so whenever fresh straw is needed I can dump the box by just tipping it over and letting the mess fall out.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Holloway, 474 N.E. Hwy. NN, Trenton, Mo. 64683 (ph 660 358-2128; hollowayhay@hotmail.com

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #6