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Tire “Cattle Rub” Helps Fight Flies
Don Boggs, Pickens, S.C., used old tires and T-posts with insecticide-saturated carpet strips to make a low-cost cattle “rub”.
“I’m 83 years old and have severe asthma, so I recently rented out my 100-acre livestock farm to a doctor,” says Boggs. “One day I noticed that cattle had torn the oiler down. I watched as the cattle rubbed themselves on trees, which gave me the idea to stack up several tires so the cattle could rub on them instead of the trees. Then I decided to cover the tires with carpet strips and pour insecticide onto them, to help keep flies off the cattle.”
The cattle rub is made from 7 stacked tires and 2 old split wheel rims, with one rim at the bottom of the stack and the other at the top. The tires are held in place by 4 T-posts that set inside holes in the rims. The entire stack of tires is covered by four 12-in. wide carpet strips that Boggs screwed to the bottom and top tires.  
“I made the cattle tire rub last summer and it’s working great,” says Boggs. “I already had everything I needed to make it. My son-in-law operates a tire shop so I always have access to plenty of old tires.”
He says he used split wheel rims because that’s what he already had, but ordinary wheel rims would work by just placing a single T-post through the center hole. “The carpet strips could be cut to any width,” notes Boggs.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Don Boggs, 619 Amberwood Rd., Pickens, S.C. 29671 (ph 864 787-4596; donboggs1937@gmail.com).

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2020 - Volume #44, Issue #6