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Space-Saving Idea For Storing Metal Cut-Offs
A New Jersey farmer-fabricator came up with a couple of space-saving ideas to store metal cut-offs in his shop. He says they were inexpensive to set up and make it easier to find whatever he needs when he needs it.
Eric Petrevich slides lengths of cut-off square tubing onto a shelf under his workbench and neatly stacks
them.  Then he slides smaller pieces of tubing, angle iron, metal rods, or flat stock inside the tubing, which holds them nicely.  He also uses big plastic bins on the same shelf to store lighter stuff, such as aluminum and composite materials.
A large, homemade wooden “drawer” measuring 4 ft. long by 44 in. wide with 1-ft. high sides fits under the shelf and is used to store larger, irregular size pieces. The box sets on top of 3-in. high wooden skids, allowing Petrevich to use a pallet jack to move the box in or out from under the shelf.  
“The drawer stores the cut-off pieces nicely out of the way, and whenever I need something I use the pallet jack to pull the drawer out,” says Petrevich. “ I root through the cut-offs to find what I need, then slide the drawer back under the shelf.  It saves a lot of space, and allows me to use more cut-offs, and find them easier than before.” 
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Eric Petrevich, Glen Gardner, N.J. (farmshow@megageek.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #1