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“Calf Taxi” Heated By Engine Exhaust
Marvin Packard came up with the idea for his Calf Taxi one cold winter day when he got the idea of using the exhaust from his pickup or ATV to warm a tow-behind calf cart.
    The cart hooks to the receiver hitch on a pickup or hitches to an ATV with an adaptor hitch. It’s big enough to hold two calves and rides on a single axle fitted with trailer wheels.
    A flexible pipe simply fits over the exhaust pipe on the towing vehicle and runs back to a manifold that directs the heat to the compartment under the floor of the cart. As the space fills, exhaust is exhausted out the other side and up through an exhaust pipe that runs to the top of the cart.
    “In sub-zero weather the temperature inside the cart will get up to about 40 degrees. When it’s 20 degrees out it’ll get up to 50 to 60 degrees,” says Packard.
    He sells Calf Taxis for $850 plus tax and freight. The hitch adaptor for ATV’s sells for $750.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Marvin & Linda Packard (ph 719 523-6328 or 719 354-3451; mpacklee@gmail.com; www.calftaxillc.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #1