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Loader Fitted With 3-Pt. Pallet Fork
“I like to build things without spending a lot of money, so I bought a 3-pt. pallet fork at a farm store for $50 and adapted it to fit the 4-ft. bucket on my Kubota 23 hp. loader tractor,” says Quinton Tschetter, Oskaloosa, Iowa.
The pallet forks are spaced 30 in. apart, so Tschetter welded a horizontal 30-in. length of angle iron onto the back side of the bucket. To attach the forks, he tilts the bucket down and then drives forward until the bottom rests against the pallet fork’s frame. Then he tilts the bucket up to engage an existing lip on back of the bucket against the angle iron.
“It’s very handy for light to medium pallet loads, and my small tractor makes it easy to maneuver,” says Tschetter. “The only limitation is that the forks extend about 16 in. in front of the bucket, which reduces the lifting capacity.”
Tschetter also welded a shorter angle iron to the top of the pallet fork’s frame, allowing him to use the pallet fork with the bigger bucket on his Massey Ferguson 165 loader tractor. “The Massey bucket doesn’t have a lip on it, so I welded a matching lip to it,” he says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Quinton Tschetter, 2379 Hwy. 92, Oskaloosa, Iowa 52577 (ph 641 660-9765; Qct1944@gmail.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #3