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“No Rust” Fiberglass Rebar Catching On Fast
V-Rod fiberglass rebar weighs only about 1/4 as much as steel, is up to 5 times stronger, and is easily machined and cut. Best of all, it won’t rust.
“The technology was invented in 1987, but it has taken a long time to get it to market,” says Bernard Drouin at the manufacturer, Pultrall. “With the high price of steel today, it is now often cheaper.”
V-Rod found its first uses in highly corrosive areas like wharves, sea walls, jetties and piers. It’s also ideal for specialty construction where electromagnetic neutrality was important, such as hospital MRI rooms, aluminum smelters, airports, and electrical substations. Now it is finding an even broader market.
“We are seeing increased use in farm construction, slabs, manure tanks and any place corrosion is a concern,” says Drouin.
V-Rod doesn’t react to salt, chemicals, or the alkalinity of concrete. This extends the expected life of the concrete slab or structure to more than a hundred years in service.
Ease of machining means that if a slab or structure does need to be cut or drilled at a later date, unlike steel, V-Rod won’t damage concrete saws or drills.
The composite rebar gets its strength from the glass fibers and corrosion resistance from vinyl ester resins. The pultrusion process to make the rod is combined with an in-line coating process for the sanded surface of the V-Rod.
“FARM SHOW readers in eastern Canada can order direct from Pultrall,” says Drouin. “Contact us for our distributors in western Canada, and contact Harris Supply Solutions in the U.S. for suppliers there (www.harrissupplysolutions.com; ph 888 231-1577).”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Pultrall Inc., 700, 9ème rue Nord, Thetford Mines, Qué. Canada G6G 6Z5 (ph 418 335-3202; www.fiberglassrebar.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #4