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Farmer-Husband Translations
FARM SHOW reader Shirley Danielson, Belview, Minn., sent us the following translations for the benefit of relatively new farm wives who aren't yet familiar with "farmer-husband" language:
"Could you help me for a couple of hours today?" (Translation - He has two days of plowing he'd like you to do.)
"It's been a rough spring. I've put in long hours on that planter, but I'm caught up on the work now." (Translation - His neighbor buddies want him to go fishing with them this weekend.)
"If that tractor gives me trouble just one more time! (Translation - You'd better forget about that new refrigerator.)
"You certainly have a way with animals, dear. Especially the little ones." (Translation - He wants you to help give the baby pigs their iron shots.)
"That wind really picked up this afternoon. It was darn near a gale." (Translation - He was burning cornstalks and burned off most of the fence before he finally got the fire under control.)
"You always were a whiz at math and bookkeeping, weren't you honey?" (Translation - He's got the records book in a mess and he needs you to straighten them out.)
"The cattle seem to be off-feed lately. I'll have to watch them pretty closely for the next few days." (Translation - That trip to your mother's has been called off again.)
"Why don't you just take the car and go shopping today." (Translation - Better pack your bag and head home to mother. You'll probably never find out what he's done...but you can be assured it must be serious!)

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1977 - Volume #1, Issue #6