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One-Man Barbed Wire Unroller
My one-man barbed wire unroller is so simple to use I'm surprised no one's made one like it before. I call it the "Farmer's Handy Man", and all you do is nail the end of the barbed wire to a post, take off.
I built the first cart a little over a year ago for fencing work around my 120-acre Limousin ranch. By this time, I'm manufacturing them and several farm supply stores in the southeastern U.S. are handling them.
"Farmers Handy Man" has a steel-frame and weighs about 25 lbs. It rides on two 16-in. bicycle-type wheels and has a handle like that on a kid's wagon. It's only 22-in. wide from wheel to wheel so it can easily go through tight places in woods and creeks where a tractor with a 3-pt. mounted wire unroller couldn't.
You can load it with any size or make of wire - it'll handle up to 80-lb. rolls - in about 30 seconds. You simply tip the cart back-ward so its U-shaped wire carrying arms fit over the spool and slide its pipe spindle through the spool. You never need to touch the wire.
My pull-cart can be used for more than stringing barbed wire, thanks to an optional add-on 14 by 22-in. plywood deck that'll hold two 5-gal. plastic pails, two 50-lb. sacks of grain, etc.
"Farmers Handy Man" sells for about $80; bed for $25. (George A. Cook, Rt. 3, Box 412, Scottsvile, Va. 24590; ph 804 983-2366).

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1996 - Volume #20, Issue #3