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They Love To Look At Old Wooden Ladders
“I’m not sure how we got started or even why we like them so much. It just happened,” says Bob Keldsen, Grant, Minn., about the “ladder farm” he and his wife, Monette, have in a field near their house.
“Friends and neighbors know about it so now when they see an old wooden ladder at a sale or auction, they drop it off at our place. Each ladder is staked in place so it can’t fall over. My wife is an interior designer and she says there’s just something about them that she likes. When people come over, it’s a lot of fun to talk about.
“We also moved a couple of wire corn cribs into that field. They look good in the background.”
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Bob Keldsen, Grant, Minn.

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #5