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Super Tarp Protects Big Stacks Of Bales
Instead of building expensive sheds, Rocky Meadow Farm offers the Super Tarp as a solution to protect hay and straw bales. The tarp stands out from others in a couple of ways.
First, it is made with 7 1/2-oz. waterproof, UV-resistant fabric with the strongest tensile strength available. Its silver exterior reflects sunlight and the white interior reduces the temperature 15 to 20 degrees.
But it’s the full-length sleeves on the sides that really set the tarp apart.
Grommets tear out, says Steve Musser, owner of Rocky Meadow Farm, but the sleeve distributes the stress more evenly. The sleeve can hold up to a 3-in. diameter pipe - metal or pvc - and has cut-outs every 3 ft. for tie-downs.
Musser explains that the best method to secure the tarps is to place wire every 3 ft. on the ground and stack the bales on top of them. Place the tarp over the bales, slide the pipe in the sleeve, wrap the wire around the pipe at the cut-outs and slide a high tensile fence ratchet on to tighten the wire. As the bales settle, the tarp should be retightened to prevent wind damage.
Rocky Meadow Farm offers the tarp in 36 and 48-ft. lengths in widths from 20 to 33-ft. The company website has a chart to show the width needed according to round bale sizes. (They also work for square bales.) Prices range from $140 to $349.
The tarps, which are sold throughout the U.S. and Canada, can be ordered online or by calling the company.
The tarps typically last three to five seasons and offer a good alternative to building a shed and paying property taxes, Musser says.
Contact: FARM SHOW Followup, Rocky Meadow Farm, 810 S. 14th Ave., Lebanon, Penn. 17042 (ph 717-228-2727; mail@supertarp.com; www.supertarp.com).

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2021 - Volume #45, Issue #6