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Repurposed Materials Still Going Strong
    Scott Ravenkamp, Verdigre, Neb.: “The plastic barrels and conveyor belting that I bought from Repurposed Materials have been best buys (www.repurposedmaterialsinc.com; ph 303-288-1856). We have plastic barrels that are still in use as auger hoppers after many years of use. And we use rubber conveyor belting to protect our planter when planting into the previous year’s standing corn stalks.
    “I modified the barrels three different ways for augers that empty out bins and load trucks.
    “With the first one, I cut away one end, laid it on the ground and cut a square hole in the top side for the bin auger spout. I stuck the loading auger in the end, and it worked, but grain spilled out around the loading auger, and it often tossed grain out the hole in the top of the barrel.
    “I only cut part of the end out of the second barrel and then cut a notch in what was left for the auger to rest in. That took care of grain spilling out around the auger. Instead of cutting a square hole in the top, I made one cut in line with the barrel and two cuts across the end of the first cut. This created two 3-sided flaps. I heated the fourth side of the flaps with a torch and bent them back like wings. This kept grain from flying out and snow from blowing in.
    “The first two designs fit under bin augers that come out straight or only angle up slightly. I have some augers that angle up at 45 degrees as they leave the bin and have flexible drop tubes. While they worked with the first two designs, I customized my third design just for them.
    “I cut and notched the end like I did for the second design and laid it on its side. On the top of the barrel, I cut a round hole to match the size of the drop pipe. The tight fit keeps the grain inside the hopper and keeps snow and debris out. It’s almost watertight.”
    He ties rubber conveyor belting in place across the front of his planter when planting in cornstalk stubble, which can be 4 to 5-ft. tall.
    “Without it, the stalks will wreak havoc on wiring and get jammed in under seed hoppers. Stalk debris even ends up in seed cups. It was a mess before I got the belting, which I’ve used for almost 10 years.”

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2022 - Volume #46, Issue #2